Legacy Natura-TV EU-LIFE
Number of visits of this area:
This website is the follow-up of the closed contribution with this name
for the
Natura-2000 EU-LIFE project.
After obtaining the user rights for the web name "Natura-TV.de", it is intended to preserve outcome of Natura-2000 EU-LIFE in a private legacy activity.
This version of Natura-TV.de is integrated in the webserver chmblh.eu.
A comprehensive contribution of camera observations at VVND Dettenheim and KIT Nord and other interesting resources is collected in
the WEB presentation
The leaflets
LIFE-Projekt Lebendige Rheinauen bei Karlsruhe and
Rheinaue bei Linkenheim-Hochstetten
were provided by local authorities.
Information about other accessable publications of interest is welcome.
Related contributions are still ongoing, e.g.
Heimatverein Holtorf 2021
Photos Rheinauen since 2021
The following slide-show presents some impressions from involved surroundings.
loop or
stop for slide movement after first cycle.
The slide-show is using the
Bootstrap Toolkit version 3.4.
Last update 19.11.2021 by
C.H.M. Broeders.